Nicole Dake

Apr 152 min

Daily Affirmations

Daily Affirmations: I am a good and worthwhile person. I have a kind heart. I use my skills and abilities to help others. This is my time to shine.

Take your power back from anything and anyone who has made you feel unworthy. Focus on the people who love you and want to be with you.

You always have something worthwhile to offer to others and to the world. Use your kindness to make a difference and to shine your light in the world.

The world needs more kindness, more love, more gratitude, more compassion. When you share these things, you are building a better world.

Allow your light to shine brightly. Release all the negativity and limiting beliefs that have made you feel like you are not enough.

You are always enough.

You are a bright, shining light-body. Don't let anything or anyone make you forget that. Step into your power fully. Remember who you are. Shape your own destiny.

If you feel like there isn't much you can do right now, in this moment, that is OK. Just do the one next right thing. Let that lead you to one more.

Each day, each moment, we have the power within ourselves to create something beautiful out of our lives. Don't let anyone make you forget that.

Live your truth. Be your authentic self. Hold nothing back. You don't need to hide out of fear or shame. Let your beauty and your love shine like a beacon. When you do, it allows others to do the same.

Have a bright and blessed day today, my lovelies!

For more affirmations you can say to start the day with a positive mindset, check out my ebook, Daily Positive Affirmations, on Amazon.
