Nicole Dake

Jan 28, 20231 min

Daily Positive Affirmations 1.28.23

Daily positive affirmations. I take time to rest and regroup when things get difficult.

Things in life aren't always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes we are going to face obstacles and difficult situations.

We need to give ourselves grace when we are struggling, give ourselves extra love and acceptance. This can lead to healing.

Once we feel healed and whole again after taking a step back from the situation, then we can look at the problem more objectively.

This allows you to see things more clearly, and to be our best selves again when we go back to the problem situation.

I hope that when you are struggling you take the time to give yourself time to rest, regroup, and look at the situation differently.

This way, you will be happier and more whole even when dealing with your problems.

I wish you a bright and blessed day today, my lovelies.
