Starting a New Blog with WIX is Easier than WordPress
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Starting a New Blog with WIX is Easier than WordPress

Updated: Feb 28

Do you love writing, and want to start sharing your thoughts online (like I do here!) but don't know where to get started? Well, it is easier than you think.

If you are on the fence about writing, and aren't sure if having your own site is quite right for you, you can get your feet wet in the blogging world by writing on a blogging site like Medium. Get started today, and you can start earning from your stories right away!

Ready for Your Own Website?

One of the top perks of having your own website is that it is completely under your control. You can write what you want, when you want, and as long as you are legally compliant with your disclaimers, no one is telling you what you can or can't say.

If you have been looking into blogging on Pinterest or on the web in general, most bloggers will recommend WordPress for your hosting. However, the issue with that is that you have to learn to do some HTML coding. If you aren't tech savvy, this can be a turn-off. However, if coding isn't an issue, you can take this online course to teach you how to set up your WordPress Blog over the weekend.

I do have experience working with WordPress as well, as my other site, is hosted there. However, instead of being able to set up the site myself, I had to pay $2,500 to a web developer to have it done for me. It's not easy to do on your own.

Personally, I use Wix for my hosting here at MillenialMom, and I love it. Why?

Wix is point and click. No coding required.

Getting started with Wix

To get started with a blog on Wix is easy.

First, go to the Wix homepage, and you will choose a domain name. You can either get a free domain that will have Wix in the name, or you can get a paid custom domain name, like mine.

If you are going to be using your blog for business purposes, I would recommend opting for the custom domain, as it looks more professional. You can also get a custom email set up through your site.

When you choose which type of site you want, choose Blog. This way, it will upload the blog plug in for you.

Once you have paid for your site, then you will go into the set up. There is an easy set-up wizard you can use so that Wix will do most of the work of setting up your site for you.

You choose a theme, design your logo, and your website will be ready to go shortly. Then, you go into the sidebar menu, and create your first blog post! You are now officially a blogger now.

You can also use this easy tutorial to walk you through the steps of setting up your blog on Wix.

Once you have finished the set up, you can add additional apps to your blog, such as a chat forum for site members, a comments section, even a shop.

No matter what features you choose to add to your site, Wix has tutorials to walk you through it quite easily. And if you run into problems, you can contact their support desk, which will reply within 24 hours.

If you have any questions while you are going through the set-up process, feel free to reach out to me as well!

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