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Daily Affirmations

Daily Affirmations: I am awake and alive in a beautiful world. Each day provides opportunities and blessings. I am grateful.

When you have a grateful heart, it is like a magnet for good things to enter your life. Appreciating what you have allows you to welcome more into your life.

No matter how things have gone in the past, or what challenges you are facing, remember that today is a new day, and there is always room in life for change.

Sometimes, when you least expect it, someone will reach out a hand to you and pull you back to safety, even if it feels like you have been drowning for a long time.

With the spring, the world is coming awake and alive again. You can do that too. Allow yourself to be reborn as the flowers begin to grow.

During the winter, things are frozen and silent, waiting for their time. But with the spring, it is time to grow again.

Try to spend as much time as you can in nature as the days get warmer. It really is good for your body, mind and soul in many ways.

Connecting to nature allows us to connect to the Earth itself, and this is a powerful connection that can breathe new life into any situation that feels like it is stale or not working.

I hope that you have a wonderful week, full of all sorts of amazing opportunities!

Be well, my lovelies!

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