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Daily Affirmations

Daily Affirmations: We are one. We are love.

There is a spark of the god-self within each of us. We are all pieces of life's beating heart. Like cells, in the fabric of the body of the universe.

We forget our oneness, and live in the illusion of separation for so long in this world that we live unaware of our true nature. We forget that each time we look into the faces of our loved ones, we are seeing a mirror of ourselves.

That is what we all are, mirrors in which the god-self within each of us sees a reflection of itself. We are all bright, shining light-bodies made up of a beautiful spiritual essence.

Remembering our true nature of love and light allows us to connect deeply to each other, to the Earth, and to everything around us. We remember that each of us are really just one Self, and it makes us come alive.

This sense of aliveness in the beauty of our hearts helps us to treat each other with compassion, and to treat the Earth with respect and reverence.

Everyone has a bright, beautiful soul and a bright, beautiful heart. We just have to awake to this truth, and we will see it reflected in love and light all around us.

I hope you have a blessed day today, my lovelies!

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