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Daily Affirmations

Daily Affirmations: I take time to improve myself. I spend time on my goals daily.

During this busy season of the year, a lot of things get put onto the back burner. However, it is important that you don't forget to dedicate some time to yourself.

If you put your goals and your passions on hold, you may get out of the habit of working on them by the time the new year swings around.

Even if it is a 15 minute yoga or meditation practice, or sitting down with a good book before bed, taking time to do something for yourself will make you feel more positive about your day.

Being busy and running around all the time to make sure things get done is important, but don't neglect your inner world in the process. Letting go of the things that matter to you can lead to exhaustion and burnout quickly.

It is easy to get burned out over the holiday season, which makes taking time for self-care critical. With the new year coming up, it is also a great time to revisit your goals, and start thinking about what you want to accomplish in 2024.

You can start laying the groundwork now for the new year, and journaling about how things have gone this year, and how you would like to change things for next year. A journal session is great for your mental health as well.

Make sure you take some time out for yourself every day, even if it is only a few minutes. You will be glad you did.

Have a bright and blessed day today, my lovelies!

For more affirmations you can say for daily motivation, check out my ebook, Daily Positive Affirmations. Available on Kindle Unlimited or in Paperback.

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