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Daily Affirmations

Daily Affirmations: I am fearless and free. I am chasing my dreams.

Don't be afraid to be yourself. Living authentically is one of the best things that you can do to make your life what you want it to be.

The more authentically YOU that you are, the more you attract the things that you want in your life.

Living authentically helps you raise your vibration, and step into your highest timeline. As you do this, you are attracting better opportunities into your life.

It is easy to be afraid to let go of things in your life that aren't serving you anymore. However when you do, then you will make room for the things you really want in your life.

As you commit to yourself and your dreams, you will gain a sense of confidence. This confidence allows you to be fearless.

The more fearless and free you are, the more you are willing to step outside your comfort zone. This is where true growth happens.

As you grow into the fullest version of yourself, you will be free to chase your dreams.

Release everything that is holding you back. This can be limiting beliefs, situations, people or places where you no longer belong.

As you release the old, you make room for the new to come in. It is like doing a spring cleaning for your life.

Letting go of what is no longer needed allows new opportunities to come into your life, and gives you the strength to pursue them.

I wish you a bright and blessed day today, my lovelies!

For more daily affirmations to help you along your path to living authentically, check out my ebook, Daily Positive Affirmations. Available on Kindle Unlimited or in Paperback.

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