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Finding Balance in Life

I'm a work-a-holic. I always have been. And now that I am working for myself doing writing, I wake up every day excited to sit down and get some work done.

But life still requires balance. Work isn't my only responsibility. I am a mom too. I am running a household. So, there are always other things that need to get done around the house, or errands to run.

Finding Balance through Yoga

Not to mention finding time for myself and doing self-care. Before I sit down to write every morning, I spend some time doing Yoga and connecting to myself, mind, body and spirit.

Yoga allows me to find balance not just on the mat, but throughout my day. I know that if I need to feel mindful and centered, I can always return to that quiet, gentle, rhythmic breath.

It is important to take time to unplug from everything too.

Take time to unplug

Last night, my partner came home from work and said, let's go swimming. So, we packed up all our gear and headed to the Weser Therme. It is a salt pool and spa that we enjoy going to here in Germany. There are many benefits to swimming in the heated salt water, as well as going in the sauna. They also have a restaurant and bar, so we can take a break from cooking dinner when we go there.

When we were there, I was able to take time away from work, and not even worry if there were any action items on my new website. (Coming soon! That will be a separate post.) I sat back and relaxed, and swam around slowly in the wonderful, warm salt water. I enjoyed some time with my partner and our daughter, and was able to be completely in the moment.

Taking time away from our routine that way was a great way to unplug, reconnect, and find some balance in our busy lives.

Are there things that you can do to take some time during the week to recharge too? If so, I highly recommend taking a few hours to unplug and do something good for yourself! Even if you can't go to a day spa, there are plenty of home spa treatments that you can use if you feel so inclined.

Other good ways to unplug include:

  • Watching a favorite movie

  • Reading a book

  • Journaling

  • Practicing Mindfulness, meditation or yoga

  • Going for a walk in nature

  • Listening to a motivational podcast

  • Listening to your favorite music

  • Spending time with children or pets

  • Calling a friend

  • Going out for coffee or tea

There are tons of other ways to unplug from the business of life too, and whatever helps you to relax is the right way to go!

Take time off from work

My daughter asked me to take the day off from work tomorrow, and I realized that probably the last time I took a day off was the day that we flew from the US to Germany. I work every day, weekends included.

It is hard for me to take a full day off with everything that needs to get done on a daily basis, but tomorrow we are going to have "Girls Day" and do some spa treatments and do whatever else that my daughter wants.

Then, on Sunday we have our family game night, which is another great way to relax and do something that helps us all to be able to connect.

I hope that you are also able to take some time this weekend to relax, unwind, and do something good for yourself!

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