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Mompreneuer Interview: Kristina God, Writer, Marketer, Coach

This week's interview is with Kristina God, an expert at marketing and a Top 1,000 Writer on Medium.

Her obsession is writing and teaching others how to make a living doing what they love.

I met Kristina on Medium, a blogging site, several months ago. She is a great writer who is always providing helpful tips for others.

Here is the interview with Kristina, in her own words.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your business?

Hi there! I’m Kristina God. I own an online business with three pillars: writing on Medium, creating online courses, and coaching others.

How did you decide to start your business?

Oh boy, it’s been such a wild ride!

We were a couple for more than 8 years before we even considered or entertained the thought of starting a family. This thought was triggered by the death of my beloved granddad and the gynecologist telling me on average it takes two years to get pregnant.

Since I’m an ambitious woman I thought to myself:

Two years? That’s good! I can continue with my career, get a promotion and embrace all other opportunities that will come my way.

Boy, was I wrong!

After one month, I was pregnant — at the height of my business career (or so I thought).

Going through a challenging pregnancy and entering motherhood told me to never take things for granted. As a person who built her whole life on hard work and hustling, I came home to my body and learned how to take spiritually care of myself, to slow down, be still and rest.

Once my baby was born there was this BIG calling inside me telling me I should “write” again. I realized that although I loved my job as a Marketing Manager for an international company, I also wanted to “write” again as I used to before I became a manager.

My hubby recommended Medium to me and so I started writing on the platform in December 2020.

Based on my success on the platform, I started my own coaching business in November 2021 and created my first online course.

How old are your kids?

My toddler is in his “terrible twos”.

He’s constantly keeping me on my toes. His nickname is the Tasmanian Devil. I’m not kidding. He really is like a bold and brave human Taz from Looney Toons in toddler form.

He drags, bites, tumbles, hurdles, crashes, jumps, and drags…

Are your kids in childcare or at home full-time?

I used to care for him full-time when he was little. 3 months ago, he started going to kindergarten.

However, some days living with a toddler in the house is beyond exhausting — mentally and physically.

My husband and I are always on guard, always on high alert.

How do you balance your work with your family?

In regard to my own business, I don’t really have time.

I MAKE time.

As Arnold Schwarzenegger says: “If you don’t find the time, if you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results.”

We have a house rule: No TV. No wine. In my “tiger time” in the evening, I don’t flop on the couch, drink wine and watch Netflix!

Instead of consuming, I’m batch-creating in the evening as much as I can. Of course, I know this is definitely not everyone’s roadmap but that’s the way I do it.

Any tips for other moms looking to start a business?

When I look back on my online business journey now, here are 5 tips for other ambitious moms: #1 Moms, start before you’re ready! As an ambitious woman myself, I know we want to feel ready. We want to check off all the boxes. We want to know things with certainty. The moment we become mothers, things change. We have to surrender. The act of surrender is soo freaking hard for us because we are control freaks. But as moms, we can’t control things anymore. That’s why it’s crucial to start before we feel ready. Because here’s the news flash: we will never feel *ready* to start. That’s why it’s important to take that first step and for instance, start writing on Medium, share your voice, grow your email list and embrace all opportunities that will come your way! #2 Moms, NOW is the best time to start! I know, ambitious women, love to be in control of their destinies. They love to be in control of what they’re working towards. Taking the leap feels so scary and so hard. However, the online business world is BOOMING. 40% of Americans have a side hustle. Now is the best time to start your own business (on the side). When I started, 22 months ago, I didn’t expect there were so many opportunities coming my way and so many things in the future. If you don’t start NOW, you’ll be at the same point one year from now and nothing will have changed. Being static is not an option! #3 Moms, the world is waiting for you!

No, having a child is not holding you back from having your own business and creating the life you want.

I truly believe that the right opportunities are going to accept you in every season and stage of your life and the wrong ones are going to fall away.

Let’s say you want to be a freelance writer and got rejected by a potential client. Often “God’s rejections are your protection.” Trust the process. The universe helps ambitious moms on their way. Don’t blame your children for being rejected.

Maybe the job would have been too demanding. Accept the rejection and move on.

The world is waiting for you!

#4 Moms, you uniquely rock!

Maybe scrolling through your feed is holding you back from creating content that really matters. You compare yourself to others and think others are doing much better, look much happier and their content is stronger.

You can find your place as an online business owner when you accept who you truly are!

There’s only one YOU in this world.

You have a special gift to share with us. Don’t hold yourself back. Let it all out! Embrace who you truly are and dare to share your messy stories with the world. People are craving more real life with fewer filters and more honesty!

#5 Moms, be laser-focused!

Focusing on the things that really matter to me helped me to be successful. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I started focusing on my big goals. For instance, being a present mom, and spending a lot of quality time with my family. To be honest, I built my corporate career on hard work and hustling.

In regard to my own business, I can’t do this. Otherwise, I will burn out.

For busy moms, I’ve created two game-changing resources:

1-Month Medium Content Calendar Overwhelm keeps online writers from winning. When we try to do too many things at once we accomplish nothing. That's… I Will Work On My Goals - eCalendar My motto: Let's grow together! I put together this calendar to help you fully focus on your goals, do the work, and… Kristina is such an inspiring and high-energy mompreneur, I hope that you take away some valuable lessons from her in this interview. She is right, when it comes to your business, NOW really is the time to start. You are never going to really have enough time, so you have to make the time for yourself and your goals.

If you have any questions for Kristina, leave a note in the comments!

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