Nicole Dake

Mar 6, 20222 min

Daily Positive Affirmations 3.6.22

Being patient with yourself is an important part of self love.

Daily positive affirmations. I am patient and gentle with myself.

When we are tired or not at our best, it is important to be patient and gentle with ourselves. No one can be at their best all the time. When we are feeling less than, we can extend ourselves grace to rest and recharge.

Looking out at this snowy day outside today, it seems like a good day to take time to rest. I do have a lot that I need to do, but I grant myself patience, because there is time.

The constant need to hurry in our society can cause a lot of stress and be damaging to our thinking. At times like this, it is important to be patient, realize that not everything can be done immediately, and be gentle knowing that self-blame doesn't fix problems.

Life is a constant unfolding of events, but we don't have to get caught up in them. We can watch life's unfolding with peace and patience, and know that there is time enough to get things done once we have taken a rest.

Be gentle with yourselves today lovelies, and take some time to recharge before you start the new week. I wish you much love always. <3

For more daily affirmations that you can say to make your life more positive, check out my other blog posts:

Daily Positive Affirmations 3.4.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 3.2.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 3.1.22

Daily Affirmations for February

50 Daily Affirmations You Can Say to Make Your Life Happier

Also, if you love affirmations as much as I do, check out my Weekly Affirmations Calendar. You can keep this on your desk so that you have something positive and uplifting to look at all day long.
