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Do You Suffer from PTSD and Panic Attacks? There is Hope!

Do you have, or suspect you have, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from a traumatic event in your past like,

  • active duty military service

  • serious accidents

  • physical or sexual assault

  • abuse, including childhood or domestic abuse

  • exposure to traumatic events at work, including remote exposure

  • serious health problems, such as being admitted to intensive care

  • childbirth experiences, such as losing a baby

If you have PTSD, odds are high that you also have experienced panic attacks. When you have a panic attack, your body goes into fight-or-flight mode, your heart beats faster, and your logical thinking shuts down. You may feel like you need to leave your surroundings and get to safety right away.

I also have PTSD and panic attacks. While there are many treatments for PTSD, none of them focus specifically on panic attacks.

When I tried to find help for my panic attacks, most sources said to just wait until they were over, and that panic attacks only last 3-5 minutes. Although that is what the science says, I have spoken to many people who have panic attacks that can last from an hour up to several days. This was my experience as well. Sometimes, it would take days for me to feel completely better. Since the research was lacking in the area of panic attacks, I had to develop my own coping skills. I developed a panic attack script that I use every time I have a panic attack, so that I can calm down more quickly.

  • I reduced the duration of my panic attacks to an hour or less

  • I reduced the frequency of my panic attacks to once a month or less

Since I had to develop coping mechanisms through trial and error, with the help of my therapist, I wanted to share the coping mechanisms that I have learned with others who are in the same situation. That is how the "Trauma Survivor's Guide to Coping With Panic Attacks" was born. I wrote the book that I wish I would have had to guide me through my own panic attacks. This short guide is intended to help you prepare for what you will do when you have a panic attack. It will walk you through:

  • Symptoms of PTSD and cPTSD, for if you have not been formally diagnosed

  • Tips to advocate for your own mental health

  • Overview of panic attack symptoms

  • Coping with panic attacks

  • Panic Attack Script

  • Tips for reducing the frequency of panic attacks

  • A resource list for additional help

  • Panic Attack Card

This short, interactive workbook is a quick read, which will allow you to start putting these techniques to work right away! Since I have put this book out, I have gotten positive feedback from other PTSD sufferers. One reader has told me that she read the book four times! Download now!

Also, thanks to reader feedback from a therapist in the UK, I created a UK edition of this book, with resources and diagnostic criteria specific to the UK. You can find additional reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Have additional questions about the Trauma Survivor's Guide to Coping With Panic Attacks or how you can use this in your life? Let me know in the comments!

Picture of doctor with text that reads, "Do you suffer from PTSD and panic attacks?"
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