Save Money on Baby Items! Easy tips for expecting parents.
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Save Money on Baby Items! Easy tips for expecting parents.

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

Women at a baby shower.
You might not get everything at the baby shower.

Whether you are expecting, or just looking to get some new baby gear, you have probably realized by now how expensive baby items are! That is especially true if you shop at big baby retailers.

Now, as a seasoned mom of two, I want to let you know about some easy ways to save money on baby items.


For things like diapers, wipes and formula that you need to buy frequently, coupons can be a life saver! Most of the major diaper brands have a coupon program you can sign up for (think huggies, pampers, etc.). You can do this with formula too, and they typically have better coupons. Similac and Enfamil both send monthly coupons for $15 off if you sign up for their program, and will also send you a free can of formula just for signing up!

Another one of my favorite sites for baby coupons is because they let you print as many coupons as you want for free. I was typically able to download a $2-$4 off coupon from Huggies every time that I needed to buy diapers.

Garage Sales.

Garage sales (especially now that it is summer!) can be great for getting gently used baby furniture. When my sister had her daughter, I got a high chair for $1. Babies grow really fast, so most used baby furniture is in pretty good shape when people get done with it, unless they have multiple kids.

One thing NOT to buy at a garage sale? Your car seat! It is recommended that you always buy a car seat new, that way you know it has never been in a car accident. Once a seat goes through an accident, it is no longer considered safe to use. With a used car seat, there is no way to verify this.

Baby Consignment Shops.

If you have never heard of a consignment shop, think thrift store only nicer. People can sell their gently used clothing to the store, then it is resold for lower price than in a regular store. This is good for getting the newborn and 3 month sizes, that babies grow out of relatively quickly.

As your child grows, you can resell the clothes as long as they aren't stained. Then you can get either store credit to buy the bigger sizes, or cash. It is a pretty good deal, since babies outgrow their clothes so quickly, and sometimes go through more than one outfit in a day.

Hopefully these shopping tips will help you get some great deals and save some money for your new bundle of joy!

Baby clothes
Most baby clothing is gently used.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other money saving tips you would like me to feature in another article, or if there are any topics that you would like to see an article about!

If you are looking for more frugal hacks to help save money around the house, check out my other articles.

Top 10 Things to Buy at the Dollar Store (And they are exactly the same!)

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