Nicole Dake

Aug 22, 20222 min

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.22.22

Affirmations to start your day

Daily Positive Affirmations. I matter. What I want matters.

Some days, especially when we are caretakers, it can feel like what we want doesn't matter. Like we are just tools for a purpose.

But that isn't true. We are still people with wants, needs and desires that matter. We deserve to have what we want, too.

We aren't less important than those that we are caring for, no matter how much it may feel that way at times.

It is important to honor our own wants and needs. We can still have goals and dreams, even if we are caring for others.

We can give ourselves the same importance as those that we care for. Treat ourselves with the same care that we give to others.

This way, we honor ourselves as worthwhile individuals that matter, too. Because we do matter. Everyone matters. Not just for what we do, but for who we are.

Your needs aren't less important than anyone else's needs. What you want does matter.

It is ok to set our goals high, and to take time out of the day to reach them. It isn't taking away from others to take some time for you.

As a mother, if you show your kids that goal setting behavior is important, it will serve them well too.

Mirroring healthy self-esteem is important when you are a role model. That self-esteem comes from honoring yourself, and placing importance on the things that you do just for you. You don't want to teach your kids to be martyrs.

Today, take some time for yourself, to do something that you enjoy doing. It isn't selfish, it is so important.

You matter. What you want matters.

Take the time out of your day to honor that, and do something good for yourself.

Have a bright and blessed day today, my lovelies!

For more affirmations you can say to make your life happier, check out my other Affirmations for August:


Daily Positive Affirmations 8.21.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.20.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.19.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.18.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.17.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.16.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.15.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.14.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.13.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.12.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.11.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.10.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.9.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.8.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.7.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.6.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.5.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.4.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.3.22

Daily Positive Affirmations 8.2.22

If you love affirmations and like to have them where you can look at them all the time, check out my Weekly Affirmations Calendar.


