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Daily Positive Affirmations 7.4.22

I am learning to accept myself as I am.  I forgive myself for my mistakes.
Affirmations to start the day

Daily positive affirmations. I am learning to accept myself as I am. I forgive myself for my mistakes.

Life isn't always the way that we want it to be. We aren't always the people that we hope to be.

Learning to forgive and accept yourself as you are is a big step towards gaining inner peace and happiness.

When we forgive our own mistakes, we learn to accept ourselves as we are.

For some of us, forgiveness can seem like a daunting task, because we are so hard on ourselves.

Forgiveness and acceptance come from learning how to be gentle with yourself. Extend yourself grace. Realize that you can't be perfect all the time.

Just because you aren't always perfect doesn't mean that you are bad. No one can be perfect all of the time.

Accepting yourself as you are, knowing that you are a beautiful person with intrinsic worth goes a long way towards seeing yourself differently.

Just because you have made a mistake doesn't make you a bad person.

I think a lot of us forget that too often. Mistakes just make us human. Everyone makes mistakes.

Forgiving ourselves for our mistakes allows us to move on from past situations.

We can let go of the past, and accept ourselves as we are today. We may be constantly a work in progress, and that's ok.

We are constantly learning, growing and moving forward. Acceptance and forgiveness allows us to open ourselves to that journey of growth.

This is true on both a practical level, and a spiritual level as well.

Remember that your true essence is love and light. Sometimes when we forget that we allow ourselves to get stuck in inner darkness and turmoil.

When we remember our true nature, it sets us free, and allows us to be the people that we are meant to be.

I hope that you have a blessed and beautiful day today, my lovelies.

For more daily affirmations you can say to make your life happier, check out my other blog posts.

If you love affirmations as much as I do, you can also get my Weekly Affirmations Calendar for your desk.

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