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Daily Positive Affirmations 8.24.22

I am taking control of my life.  I am working towards my goals.
Affirmations to start the day

Daily Positive Affirmations. I am taking control of my life. I am working towards my goals.

At some point we need to realize that we can be in charge of our own lives. We don't have to let circumstances push us to and fro.

There is always a way to make time for the things that are important to us, although sometimes finding this time can take creative thinking.

When we have children or others to care for, it can seem like that is all we have time for.

Even so, it is important to make time to care for ourselves too. Our needs are just as important and valid as those that we care for.

If you can't find a lot of time, start small. Take 5 minutes to do deep breathing, yoga, or listen to a meditation tape.

Play music that you like during the day. Eat healthy foods. Do things that are good for you. You don't need to be a martyr and go without eating and showering, as some of us have the tendency to do.

It is important to see that our basic needs are met. We can't care for others if we aren't caring for ourselves too. That just turns us into people who are broken and resentful.

No one wants that, and yet it is what so many of us do.

Learning to take control of your life, and make time to work towards your goals will make you feel happier, healthier and more balanced.

Even as a caretaker, you can set boundaries with others. You are allowed to take time for yourself.

You are an important person too, and you are allowed to be functioning at your best.

I wish you a bright and blessed day today, my lovelies.

For more affirmations you can say to make your life happier, check out my other Affirmations for August:

If you love affirmations and like to have them where you can look at them all the time, check out my Weekly Affirmations Calendar.

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