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Daily Positive Affirmations 4.10.22

Graphic with text that reads, "Daily Positive Affirmations.  I accept myself just as I am."
Affirmations are a great way to start the day.

Daily Positive Affirmations. I accept myself, just as I am.

Accepting yourself, flaws and all, can be a journey. It has been for me.

Learning self-love and self-acceptance makes a huge difference in your day to day happiness. Allowing yourself to be as you are, instead of trying to change to fit others expectations of you is a huge act of self love.

Acceptance allows you to flow with your day, and to do the things you love to do. It allows you to be more of yourself.

Embracing even the parts of you that you that you don't like can bring healing. You learn to accept your limitations. You learn that you don't have to be a carbon copy of everyone else to be successful.

You can be successful, happy and loved just as you are.

When you learn to accept and love yourself, it opens up your life to so many wonderful possibilities. You aren't fighting against yourself anymore. You aren't trying to put up a façade to please others. You learn to please yourself instead. In the process, you can attract friends and lovers who also accept you as you are.

If people are constantly asking you to change who you are, those aren't people who really love you. I have had to learn this the hard way, and learn to set boundaries to protect myself.

I hope that you can learn to love and accept yourselves too. You are all bright, beautiful stars. You are all unique. That makes you special. Embrace your own specialness.

I wish you a blessed and beautiful day today, my lovelies.

For more daily affirmations you can say to make your life happier, check out these other affirmations blog posts.

If you love affirmations as much as I do, you can also get my Weekly Affirmations Calendar for your desk.

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