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Daily Positive Affirmations 7.16.22

I am a kind and loving person.  I live in alignment with my authentic self.
Affirmations to start the day

Daily Positive Affirmations. I am a kind and loving person. I live in alignment with my authentic self.

Inside each of us is a kind and loving heart. The more we learn to live authentically from the heart, the more we are in alignment with this inner kindness and love.

As we learn to be more of ourselves, we are more loving and kind to both ourselves and others. Love radiates outward from our lives.

Coming into alignment with your authentic self is a process that takes time. We grow up with a lot of unhealthy conditioning that needs to be overcome.

As we release past conditioning, and stop trying to chase the expectations of others, the more we come into our authentic selves.

While this process is unfolding, be gentle with yourself. You didn't build up this conditioning overnight, and you won't dissolve it overnight either.

As you become more yourself, you will be able to define the values and habits that are important to you, and to pursue them.

This is a beautiful process of unfolding, like a flower blossoming for the first time. As you grow into your authentic self, you are blossoming.

Every day you become more bright, shining and beautiful. You become more centered, more loving and more kind.

When we love ourselves, when we are living our truth, it is so much easier to be loving and kind to others as well.

Happiness, love and kindness multiply. The more we have of these things ourselves, the more we can put out into the world.

That is why pursuing our happiness is important. The happier we are, the more loving and kind we are able to be with other people.

I wish you a bright and blessed day today, my lovelies!

For more daily affirmations you can say to make your life happier, check out my other blog posts.

If you love affirmations as much as I do, you can also get my Weekly Affirmations Calendar for your desk.

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