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Daily Positive Affirmations for July 2022

Picture of girl doing yoga with affirmations written out
Affirmations to start the day with a positive mindset

Saying affirmations is a great way to start your day off feeling good and thinking positively. When you say these positive messages to yourself, your are helping to cultivate a positive mindset that can serve you well in all areas of your life.

Every day, I get up to do yoga, then I sit down with a nice cup of coffee and write up my affirmations.

When I write affirmations, I take something that comes to mind that I may be struggling with, or that I know someone I love is struggling with. Then, I flip the script and say a positive message to counteract the negative thought.

For example, if I was feeling stressed and blah, I would say something like, "I am peaceful and energized."

I write the things that I aspire to be. It helps me to think of all the good in life with gratitude instead of focusing on things that I perceive to be lacking.

You can easily write your own affirmations too.

For examples, here are my affirmations from July. I hope that you enjoy them!

Be well, my lovelies!

If you love affirmations as much as I do, you can also get my Weekly Affirmations Calendar for your desk.

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